Racial Disparities in Mental Health a new report by the Race Equality Foundation

The Race Equality Foundation has published a report on the persistent racial disparities in mental health.

The work draws on the most recent published research from the last five years together with insights from two events and conversations across the sector. The report covers:

  • Prevalence
  • Access
  • Assessment
  • Treatment
  • Recovery

It found that black and minority ethnic communities are disproportionately impacted by social factors associated with mental illness. For example, people from African Caribbean communities are three times more likely to be diagnosed and admitted to hospital for schizophrenia than any other group. Irish Travellers are six times more likely to die as a result of suicide than non-Travellers. Black and minority ethnic communities are also less likely to access mental health support in primary care (i.e. through their GP) and more likely to end up crisis care. Black and minority ethnic people are 40 percent more likely to access mental health services via the criminal justice system than white people.

The report also sets out recommendations to health agencies, professionals and the voluntary sector. You can download the report here.

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