NSUN Network Meeting: Register (February 2024)

Thursday 15th February 2024, 4.00-5.30pm

The NSUN network meetings are for members who want to connect with others shifting power in mental health. Maybe you’re part of a user-led group supporting your community, maybe you campaign for change, or maybe you want to get more involved in the network.

The space will be relaxed – there’s no requirement to stay for the whole time, you can keep your camera on or off, and there’ll be lots of different opportunities to talk, listen and connect with other members. 

Spaces for this meeting are limited so please check your availability before registering, and email us at info@nsun.org.uk if you can no longer attend.

You will need to be an NSUN member to get your joining link – please sign up here if you are not already a member.

What to expect from the meeting

Join our February NSUN Network Meeting to discuss the challenges of funding for groups led by and for people with experience of mental ill-health, distress and trauma. NSUN’s Ruairi White will share findings from NSUN’s research Funding Grassroots Mental Health Work and hold a group discussion with attendees. We’ll talk about good and bad practice from funders, ways that user-led groups have found to sustain themselves, and the relationship between the political context and the funding landscape.

For those involved in running user-led groups, we hope that this will be a space to connect and share insights and experiences with others who may have similar experiences of seeking funding and facing barriers or challenges.

NSUN’s Conduct Agreement

We want virtual NSUN spaces to be safe, welcoming, and inclusive. Harassment, hate speech, and inappropriate behaviour of any kind, verbal or in the chat/Q&A, will not be tolerated. 

We reserve the right to immediately remove any attendee we consider to be in breach of this conduct agreement. This includes anyone making racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, or otherwise discriminatory, offensive, or hateful remarks.

Removed participants will not be able to re-join the session, or, if applicable, join any of the rest of the sessions in a day or series of events. In order to avoid the derailing of sessions we will not enter into conversations around why conduct was deemed inappropriate in the sessions themselves.

Late admittance  

Please note that to avoid disruption or distraction, we will be unable to admit latecomers (anyone who arrives ten minutes after the event’s start time). 


You can find an Easy Read Guide to joining Zoom meetings here.

If you need help with costs to be able to access this event, we may be able to make a contribution – please get in touch with us at info@nsun.org.uk.

Zoom closed captions will be available to turn on during the meeting. 

We will be asking that attendees keep themselves on mute while others are talking to avoid audio distractions. 

Please let us know of any access requirements in your sign up form and we will try to accommodate them as best as we can. 

About NSUN

This meeting is free to attend. It is for NSUN members (individuals with lived experience of mental ill-health, distress, and/or trauma, as well as grassroots, user-led mental health groups.) If you are not already a member, sign up for free here.

NSUN is a charity and membership organisation of people and grassroots groups with lived experience of mental ill-health, trauma and distress, working towards the redistribution of power and resource in mental health. You can find out more about us here.