Despite a meeting in July between NSUN representatives and the Review Chair and Vice Chairs, little has changed. We continue to have strong misgivings about the Review in human rights terms.
These misgivings include:
The inadequate involvement of people with lived experience, user-led organisations and carers
The Chair’s and Vice Chairs’ unwillingness to look at ways of fully implementing the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
The inadequate information about the Review and about the evidence for Review findings
The inadequate addressing of issues experienced by people with lived experience from black, Asian and other minority ethnic communities and by those who face other, additional disadvantages.
NSUN has now written a further letter of strong concern to the Review Chair and Vice Chairs and, this time, is contacting politicians as well.
How you can help
If you agree with our concerns , please support NSUN’s campaign by sending the letter to your MP. We have two templates and guidance notes available for you:
Hard copy for postal mail (copy with full links)
Electronic copy for email (copy with hyperlinks)
A few guidance notes:
When you forward the letter, please include your postal address with your contact details. (MPs like to be sure that you live in their constituency.)
If you are not sure who your MP is, you can go to and type your postcode into the Find Your MP box on the right hand side of the page. You will then see who your MP is.
Your MP may have their own website where you can find out more about them and their concerns and interests. You may also be able to follow them on Twitter.
Another useful website is where you type in the name of your MP and the issue. You will then find all the statements that they have made on that subject.
When you receive a reply, it would be very helpful if you could email a copy to Dorothy Gould at (Dorothy has a lead role at NSUN for issues related to the Mental Health Act.)
Please also feel free to contact Dorothy if you need any further information or assistance, via the email address above, or by phone (07565 399 422).
Letter to Mental Health Act Review Panel 22 October 2018
Letter to Mental Health Act Review Panel 29 May 2018