Free Trans Awareness Training for NSUN Members from Gendered Intelligence

Registration for this training has now closed.

NSUN is offering user-led groups free places on the ‘Trans Awareness: The Basics’ training course by Gendered Intelligence.

‘Trans Awareness: The Basics’ is a short entry-level session that introduces the key ideas and information people in organisations need to know about trans-related matters. The training session is particularly useful in one or more of the following circumstances:

  • The organisation wants to begin to raise awareness of trans issues at a staff meeting, conference or other event where time is limited
  • The organisation would like to make sure everyone has the same basic understanding of trans people and issues
  • The organisation wants to introduce or improve good practice regarding the inclusion of trans people

The session will:

  • Explain what ‘trans’ means and describe the diversity of those who might use the term
  • Introduce key concepts crucial to understanding trans people
  • List the main legislation relating to trans identities
  • Outline ways an organisation can work towards being trans-inclusive
  • Provide links to further resources and help

Training session outline

  1. Introduction
  2. Considering Sex and Gender
    The context of sex and gender diversity
  3. Language and Terminology
    What does ‘trans’ mean? Who might use the term?
    Straightforward guidance on managing language
  4. The Law and Trans People
    Three key laws that apply
  5. Becoming Trans Aware and Trans Inclusive
    Good practice – steps towards achieving trans equality and inclusion
  6. Resources
    Gendered Intelligence and other resources
  7. Evaluation and Close


When: 19th January, 2023, 14:00-15:45
Where: online via Zoom

This training is for individuals that are part of NSUN member organisations (user-led mental health groups and organisations, though we acknowledge that many groups might not explicitly define themselves in this way). You can sign up as an NSUN member for free here.

This session comprises around 1 hour of presentational material and 30 mins interactivity/Q&A. The Q&A enables people to bring the focus of the session onto the key issues that matter to them and particular questions they might have. The Q&A is usually threaded through the session to take people’s queries as they arise.

Reserve your place

To reserve your place(s), please contact us at with your name, email address, your organisation’s name, and details of any access needs (such as large print or being sent presentation materials in advance).

You may register multiple people from one organisation to attend but please keep this to a limit of three people per organisation.

Registration closes on Friday 6th January 2022. NSUN will send you the Zoom registration link for the meeting itself closer to the time.